Delivering 250+ Plants & Plant Packs across Mumbai. Delivery charges FLAT Rs. 150.

The Greens that you Need

Trending Plants

Your love makes these greens trendsetters

Tall Plants

Greens that you can look up to.

Best Seller

Your favourite greens make up our best seller packs

Air Purifying Plants

Enjoy the extra oxygen with these greens

Must Have Plants

Green essentials for every urban garden


Your plants can’t survive without it

Indoor Plants

Greens to give your indoors a woodsy feeling


Why buy when you can grow

Low Maintenance

Easy to order. Easier to handle


Pots and planters for every mood

Low Maintenance

Easy to order. Easier to handle


Pots and planters for every mood

Best Selling Plants

All of our greens are loved. Some of them a little more than the others.

Vertical Gardening

Vertical gardening as a concept has become popular abroad thanks to
a concoction of environmental disregard, the dangers of global warming and the paucity of space for urban gardening. Now Ultima Gardening introduces this novel concept to you

  • Hassle free installation
  • Easy maintenance
  • A variety of plants to choose from
  • Greens that compliment and beautify the decor

Gifts that Grow

We believe that when you gift green you are not simply completing a formality, you are actually sending an emotion steeped deep within the happiness of your heart. You’re also doing your bit for the
planet and the environment. Gifting options for all you green lovers.

Gifts that Grow

We believe that when you gift green you are not simply completing a formality, you are actually sending an emotion steeped deep within the happiness of your heart. You’re also doing your bit for the
planet and the environment. Gifting options for all you green lovers.


The Kokedama is a native of Japan making its way to Indian gardens. This is nothing but the wrapping of the root system of the plant in sphagnum moss and bound with a string. This action transforms it into a beautiful sculptural art form.

  • Ornamental Plant
  • Can be used indoor and outdoor
  • Exotic and ideal for gifting
  • Hanging plant so takes up very little space

Micro Greens

If you love indulging in an organic lifestyle, these are just the kind of greens you need to be growing in your urban garden. Popular microgreens include Basil, Cilantro, Kale, Parsley, amongst others.

  • Easy to grow and maintain
  • Can be grown in the garden or terrace
  • Thrive indoors under indirect light sources
  • Flavour enhancing and nutritional


If you have an eye for the green and a love for premium, you simply cannot stop staring at our newly introduced exotics. Brought to you from different corners of the globe for your viewing and growing pleasure.

  • Aesthetically appealing
  • Ideal gifting options
  • Easy to grow and maintain in alien conditions
  • Long lasting and sturdy


Hydroponics is a type of horticulture and a subset of hydroculture which involves growing plants without soil, by using mineral nutrient solutions in an aqueous solvent.

  • Make for healthier plants
  • Plants derive more and better nutrition to grow
  • Plants grow better
  • Plants also yield 20% to 25% quicker




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Gardening Guide

We understand that you may not be a professional green thumb and may be starting out on your journey as an urban gardener. At Ultima Gardening we have you covered and we will help you through the initial gardening process as well as on how to sustain a healthy and green urban garden.

Spring House Plant The Perfect Choice!

Spring House Plant The Perfect Choice!

Spring House Plant The Perfect Choice!

Spring House Plant The Perfect Choice!

Spring House Plant The Perfect Choice!

Spring House Plant The Perfect Choice!

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