Delivering 250+ Plants & Plant Packs across Mumbai. Delivery charges FLAT Rs. 150.

With a selection of over 250 plus different plant varieties, we figured you’ll need a little help to get through them all. So we devised our best selling plant packs and they immediately became your favourite place to shop for your favourite greens.

  • Showing all 10 results


All plants can act as air cleaners but some are more beneficial than others when it comes to removing toxins in the air. Here’s why you should get our AirPurifying Plants .which have benefits like- reduced carbon dioxide level, increase humidity, reduces air borne dust levels, keeps air temperature down.


1. Spider Plant (Pot size: 3 inches)
2. Snake Plant (Pot size: 3 inches)
3. Dracaena (Pot size: 7 inches)
4. Areca Palm (Pot size: 6 inches)
5. Syngonium (Pot size: 4 inches)


For those who love & care for their greens from foreign shores & flair for the exotic we present to you our exotic plants pack. Behold the beauty of these internationally originated greens & gorgeous flowers which you can now be the proud plant paren of in Indian conditions.


1. Oxalis
2. Anthurium
3. Orchid


Happiness is a plant hanging from your window or your door or fro. You can wherever you can possibly hang them. Get yourself a collection of our hanging greens from the Ultima Gardening app today and make yourself your own Hanging Garden.

1. Wandering jew
2. Episcia
3. Pilea
4. Boston Fern
5. Aptenia Cordiflora


Improve air quality, your mood and your health, by decorating your home with our immunity booster house plant pack.


1. Tulsi (Pot size: 4 inches)
2. Basil (Pot size: 4 inches)
3. Lemongrass (Pot size: 6 inches)
4. Ajwain (Pot size: 4 inches)
5. Aloe Vera (Pot size: 4 inches)
6. Betel Leaf (Pot size: 4 inches)


Buying succulents is so much fun! These are unusually attractive plants that challenge the notion of typical garden plants, and once you develop a taste for them, you will want to have them everywhere. #AloeVera & #JadePlant are two of the best option which suit the Indian climate! So, what’s your pick ?

1. Aloe vera
2. Jade

Popular Searches

Best Selling Plants

All of our greens are loved. Some of them a little more than the others.



  • Air purifying plants pack @ 1500/-(5 plants)
  • Top 5 plants for your bathroom- @ 1500/-(5 plants)
  • Succulent plants pack - @ 400/-(2 plants)
  • Tall plants for indoor
  • Yes. Immunity booster pack- (Tulsi, Aloe vera, lemongrass, basil, Ajwain, betel elaf) @ 1500/-
  • Easy veggies pack- Rs. 400 ( coriander, Tomato, chilly)

There are a number of plants that grows well in Mumbai’s climate with little care and maintenance. Some of them are given below:

  • Yes. With slight alteration in prices as & where applicable.
  • Air purifying plants pack
  • Immunity booster pack
  • Succulent pack
  • Tall plants pack
  • Top 5 plant for your bathroom
  • Exotic plants pack
  • Hanging plants
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