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Don’t worry, if you are looking to have a garden but can’t help being lazy to look
after them, you are reading the right post!
Want to grow plants? Love being surrounded by greenery? Wish to breathe in
oxygen rich air in urban apartments? Busy schedule? Too lazy to look after plants?
No need to worry. There are number of plants you can plan to have even though
you are too lazy to take care of them. Some of them are mentioned below:

1. Sansevieria-
The list of indoor plants would have been incomplete without this plant. The plant
is often called as “Mother in laws tongue” or “Snake plant”.
The sansevieria only need to be water when soil feels dry to touch and will have to
keep it in medium to low light. Sansevieria is well known houseplant for its hardy
nature and key benefit of emitting oxygen also during night. So go and get your oxygen

2. Aloe vera:
Being lazy to look after the garden? There is no better option than growing Aloe
vera. The plant is called as “Miracle Plant”.
Aloe vera is an easy to maintain plant with tones of health benefits. The plant will
grow well with proper watering once a week and with bright indirect to direct sunlight
during day.
Bring your aloe vera plant today.

3. Peace Lily:

Dreaming of having flowers at home? Peace lily is beautiful option though.
Peace lily i.e. Spathiphyllum is an indoor plant which blooms during spring with
beautiful white flowers. The plant will survive in low light and also purifies the air
inside the house.

4. Spider plant:

Spider plant as name suggests the plant will give several little buds which in turn
looks like a web of spider. The plant is very tolerant to low light conditions and can
thrive indoor.

The plant is usually grown as hanging plant and it gives small white star shaped
flowers appear in loose clusters on the stems up-to 6ft long. The plant is easy to
maintain and It’s usually found in offices and malls.

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